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12-13-12 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of December 13, 2012

Chair Karen Howe called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  

PRESENT:  Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson;
       Maureen Rodgers; Betty Russell; Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter;
        Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.       
 ABSENT:    Regina Barall (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused);
                      Valerie Scheer (excused).

      GUEST:   Barbara Balfour (may consider being clerk with the resignation of Theresa Godreau)

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Florence Schroeter
To approve the minutes of  November 8, 2012
Under Drama/Lecture/Poetry:
Maureen Rodgers did not get back to the clerk in time to post the final program for Upwords (Elizabeth Thomas)
program with  EHMS Middle School and senior citizens.  Maureen did send out flyers via email to those
Commissioners with an email address inviting them to the final program.  It was held on December 14, 2012 at
11:00 a.m. at the East Hartford Middle School Auditorium.

Under Film Series:
Showing rights were incorrectly spelled.

                        Approved with stated corrections.

Chair Howe thanked Commissioners for their support when she was absent due to personal matters.  

Chair Howe distributed a draft of the 2013-2014 Fine Arts budget.
MOTION          By Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                        To approve the 2013-2014 budget as distributed with a zero percent
                        increase from the 2012-2013 budget.

Chair Howe then distributed a draft of the 2013 meeting dates for the Commission.

MOTION          By Glynis McKenzie
                        Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
                        To accept the 2013 meeting dates as distributed stating the location may
change when the Raymond Library moves to the East Hartford Community
Cultural Center.
Chair Howe will contact Mayor LeClerc to discuss the location for meetings without having to post a Special Meeting Agenda when the location is moved.

IV.     CORRESPONDENCE                                          
The following correspondence was received:
  • Report from O’Connell School on the mini-grant program awarded
  • Thank you from Emil Kopcha and Sunset Ridge School for the mini-grant award
  • Thank you from teacher at O’Brien School for the mini-grant award.
Maureen Rodgers reported the Commission is invited to the celebration performance of the program Upwords (Elizabeth Thomas).  She worked with middle school students and senior citizens to write poetry.
Final performance will be Friday, December 14 at 11:00 a.m. at the EHMS Auditorium.

Art  - Teacher’s Art Exhibit November 30, December 1 and December 2
Dan Russell reported the opening reception was successful.  For the record he stated Art League members Holly Reed and Ned Lomerson, along with Ned’s brother Sam, assisted in hanging the art works.  Dan stated he did send invitations to the Town Council members as well as the Board of Education members for the opening reception.  Sue Tukey apologized for not attending due to a family emergency.  Recommendations for future exhibits were:
        -  hold an exhibit every 2-3 years
        -  name tags for teachers in attendance
        - name tags for Commissioners

Terrye Blackstone reported Diana Lyn Cote will present an Oil Sticks demonstration on January 13 at 2:00 pm at the EHCCC.  Honorarium will be $250.  

Terrye further reported she is working on having a March program as well and an April program for the Art League.  These programs take place the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in Room 12 at the EHCCC.

Terrye informed the Commission that Layne Marholin, an East Hartford resident, is exhibiting at the University of Hartford.

        Holiday Fest - Buffa
Betty Russell reported attendance was good for the program during Holiday Fest.

Music – Paul Bisaccia December 2012
Florence Schroeter reported the program was successful.  Paul will be performing in May 2013 with East Hartford resident Jason Meyer.

Whiffenpoofs – Fall of 2013             
Valerie Scheer reported via email that she has attempted to contact the Whiffenpoofs with no success.

Willowbrook                                     No report at this time.

EHSYF   - Fundraisers, Holiday Fest                                     
Chair Howe reported the Holiday Fest Karaoke was successful.  She further stated that EHSYF members were doing singing Christmas cards.  EHSYF will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year.  They will be doing the show “All Shook Up.”

Glynis McKenzie reported the following fundraisers being planned:
  • Bowl-a-thon in January
  • Roma’s Spaghetti Sauce Sale in February
Dance   - Black History Month February 2013                                     
Chair Howe reported that there is a vocal group from the New Covenant Church that performs.  She will report back in January on availability as well as cost.

Film Series                                     
Glynis McKenzie reported the first film will be held on  January 19, 2013.  She distributed flyers for posting and will send them to the French Social Club as well as French teachers at the high school.
Valerie Nettleton will assist with the projection and she will receive a stipend of $25 for each film.                  
Terrye Blackstone will work with Mark at Discount Trophy to purchase a permanent plaque for the doll collection donated by Mrs. Matusik.

VII.    NEW BUSINESS                                    
Judy Okeson recommended when a program is being held in a large venue, areas should be roped off so the audience can sit in front.  She feels this is important to the performers.  Further she suggested that the Commission look for a smaller venue for programs.

                        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee)                             $80.00
                        Diana Cote (Art)                                                $250.00
                        Ken Lawhorn (tuning of piano – Music)                   $110.00
                        Valerie Nettleton                                               $  25.00
                        Dan Russell (Teacher Art Exhibit)                               $  84.39
                        Glynis McKenzie (Paper for programs NTE)                        $  10.00

MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                Seconded by Judy Okeson
                To pay the bills as submitted.
                Approved with one abstention (P. Yamamoto).

IX.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                               None at this time.              
MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
To adjourn the meeting at  8:10  pm

The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 10, 2013  7:00 p.m.  at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk